Savings Calculator

Number of employees
Average hourly salary
% of time using a computer
Est. time saved (sec in min)
Savings period in months
Contacts Image
1. You do not upgrade your computer hardware every year. Maybe once per 5 years. Or even less often.
2. You have many programs open
3. The computer's fan makes too much noise or turns on too often
4. The laptop runs uncomfortably hot
5. The laptop battery drains too fast
6. You type something and the letters come to screen seconds later
7. The program you are working on responds to mouse clicks too slowly
8. The mouse moves jerkily or lags behind
9. You have to wait for the program to wake when you switch between running programs
10. You perform some harddisk-intensive operation (for example, you do a file search or you process a big file) and other programs lag
11. Which Windows operating system do you use? (optional):

12. Do you want to mention any programs that you suspect or know to be troublemakers in your computer? (optional):

13. Your city and university (optional):

14. Do you have any questions to us? Then write them here.

15. Your e-mail (insert if you want feedback or further information about product launch):